Lisa is a featured author in the book Jumpstart Your _____! Order your signed copy from Lisa today!
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JUMPSTART YOUR _____, Vol 3 includes 15 authors from all over the world who wrote chapters about the thing THEY help people JUMPSTART!
This book is for anyone who needs a jump start in one or more areas of life, career, business, health, relationships, mindset, and more!
What kind of jumpstart do you need?
Are you looking for support with any or many of the following?
- Your Business / Networking / Your Purpose
- Parenting / Health Issues / Nutrition / HR
- Finances / YouTube / Efficiency / Follow Up
- Love Life / Pet Relationship / Caregiving
- Prosperity / Happiness / Being Your Best Self
If so then you want to pick this book up and read it – it will help you! The 15 authors in this book have experiences and expert knowledge that can help you jumpstart just about any area of our life, health, relationships, and business or career. If you find yourself a little stuck somewhere, this book will help you take that next step you need to take now to move closer to your goals.
Who knows, maybe after you read this book once now, you might pick it up a couple of years from now and need to jumpstart something else. Keep it handy, it might be a lifesaver for you sometime in the near future, if not right now.
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