5 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Business Moving Forward During COVID-19
As daily routines and ways of doing business are changing dramatically, there are plenty of things to be done to keep business in motion. A comprehensive list could be quite long and will differ across businesses and industries. Below are 5 things to consider as you look to the future.
1- Keep In Front of Customers:
Maintain and continue to nurture the relationship you have in place, whether it’s with clients or customers. Find out what their situation is and let them know yours. Talk realistically about what can continue to move forward and what may need to move forward at a future date. We are all working through this together and this is the time to make clients feel reassured and that they are well attended.
Be sure to do a temperature check to not come off too callous or mercenary – you know your clients best, so trust the relationship you have in place to help guide you.
If your business lends itself to more mass communications, consider the following (all of which can be accomplished virtually)
- eBlasts/eNewletters – These can go out as frequently as you feel needed – daily, weekly, monthly. Tools like Constant Contact and Mailerlite are easy to learn/use, if you don’t have them set up already
- Blog updates – If you have a website with a blog, you can let customers know that regular updates will be posted as you have salient information
- Social Media – Continue social media efforts across all platforms or initiate them, if you don’t have them in place. People are now more virtual and are probably more motivated than ever to follow and stay connected.
2- Talk to Peers:
Talk to your business peers about measures and initiatives individual businesses are taking to deal with shocks to their business. Business owners are connecting via conferencing services, like Zoom or good old conference calls to talk candidly about issues they are facing. While specific solutions discussed may not apply directly to your business, general principles or approaches may apply and you might adapt them to your situation. Plus, it may help you feel like you are not weathering the storm along.
You may find you are able to speak to your business peers differently than you would with your employees, friends, or family
3- Embrace the Positive (with a measure of realism):
If there is something positive to share, by all means do. We are all craving and needing to hear about good, constructive things that are happening in our world. Be sensitive to how the good news is shared and what the tone of the message is. Appropriate humor is welcomed in difficult times. Remember, it is a sensitive time for everyone and unvarnished/unchecked optimism may com off as cavalier or tone deaf.
4- Continue to Network:
Regardless of the industry we are in, we are all in the relationship business. Networking will continue to be part fo the lifeblood of business. If your primary form of networking has been in-person meetings – coffees, lunches, cocktails, dinners or sales calls and trade shows – find ways to continue these types of networking.
Schedule a FaceTime coffee.
Host a virtual lunch-and-learn via Zoom- either everyone provides their won lunch o have food delivered, if delivery is available in your neighborhood.
Meet for cocktails online
Take someone to a virtual event (Happy Hour Zoom session with Jazz music on Monday nights, etc.)
5- Maintain Your Mental and Physical Health:
The stress each one of us is experiencing will manifest itself differently. Pay attention to what you need mentally and physically to stay your best. As routines are upended, as working blends with family life, or as life becomes more solitary feeling than ever. it is important to make time for what makes you feel better.
If exercise have been important to you, find and experiment with ways to exercise in a different way. New things may feel alien, stupid, or like they are just not doing the trick. That is fine. Now try something else.
If personal, alone time is what you need in a new group live/work situation, find a door to shut, even if it’s for 15 minute. Family may be at hand more than you are used to, and boundaries may be harder to set when a 8-year old becomes part of your work environment, but make sure you are taking moments for yourself.
If you are feeling too solitary, let people know. Reach out and continue to connect with people via phone, text, video, social media
Regardless of your new situation, don’t be reticent to communicate your needs or simply express how you are feeling – even if you write it down in a journal or note to yourself. We all need to process this unprecedented experience.